Dennis Neo - House Party Special | Autumn 2018

promo set
- 1) Teddy Riley ft. Tammy Lucas - Is It Good To You (Dennis Neo bazooka house remix 2018)
- 2) Dennis Neo - Just Knows What To Do (coming in 2019)
- 3) John Julius Knight - Got Moves
- 4) Michael Jackson - Jam (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 5) Joey Negro - Distorting Space Time (space funk mix)
- 6) Dara Rolins - Lezim Na Trave (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 7) Faithless - Insomnia (Dennis Neo/Helden bootleg)
- 8) Depeche Mode - People Are People (Dennis Neo "Deniska" remix)
- 9) Full Intentions v.s. Take That v.s. Jiri Korn (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 10) Mirko & Meex - Samba
- 11) Dennis Neo - Shut The Faq Up (coming in 2019)
- 12) Mele Shovell - Pasilda (extended mix)
- 13) Ida Corr - Let Me Think About It (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 14) George Michael - Outside (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 15) Junior Revere - Feelin You
- 16) Dennis Neo - Can You Take Me High (coming in 2019)
- 17) Kevin Yost - Messing With My Soul (Brian Tappert Re-Work)
- 18) Terry v.s. Madonna - Vogue (Dennis Neo bootleg)
- 19) Pete Heller - Big Love (The Dronez mix)