ink flo - Attack Of The Field Mixtapes (Escape from the digital world)

Po posledním dílu "Attack Of The Silly Mixtapes" to vypadalo, že koncept celé trilogie vyeskaloval ad absurdum a nedá se dotáhnout dál. Stačilo ale změnit pravidla hry tím, že se změní zdroj samplů. Tím zdrojem jsou věci, které jsem tento rok nahrál během cest. Výsledkem je field recordings mash-up mix (pravděpodobně první svého druhu) alias halucinační koláž vytvářející (ne)uskutečnitelná setkání na (ne)existujících místech trvající přesně 01:02:03.
- 1. Let the ink flow
- 2. Hello, is anybody out there?
- 3. Excited frenchman in Pondichery
- 4. Rewind when the crowd say bo selecta
- 5. Once per year
- 6. Attack of the field mixtapes is not in your library
- 7. Krishna sea view hotel karaoke
- 8. Teenage drumgirls rehearsal
- 9. 80s reverse
- 10. I transform love into hate
- 11. Generator and shrine
- 12. Robotic Abdul
- 13. Vedic song by the road
- 14. Answer is 42
- 15. Mind is always distracted
- 16. Flies in the treehole
- 17. Throat singing at Gyuto temple
- 18. Hula hoop euphoria
- 19. House of horrors
- 20. Birmingham street priest
- 21. Psychedelic improvisation of sadhu band
- 22. Hlášení obecního úřadu
- 23. Hippo frog penguin lion
- 24. Keep the tower flow on and on
- 25. Piano and fridge
- 26. Kids reading vedas
- 27. Chennai coach station hall ambience
- 28. Concerto under the bridge
- 29. Seeing the seer
- 30. Shoreditch steel guitar
- 31. Mosque prayer in shower
- 32. Rave reminiscence
- 33. Night swimming pool
- 34. Kids in the room of wonders
- 35. Locust gang
- 36. Herbal salesman under Arunachala
- 37. Otherworld waiting room
- 38. Street carneval near Ganpatipule
- 39. Lecture at Gyuto temple
- 40. Lottery machines
- 41. Varanasi female devotional band
- 42. Tak nashledanou
- 43. Rainy blues
- 44. Samosa veg biryani
- 45. Making of dosa batter
- 46. Subbas fan
- 47. Evening in Himalaya
- 48. Serge
- 49. Kalimba and jew´s harp by the campfire
- 50. Ayahuasca
- 51. Army of toys
- 52. Auroville advertisment
- 53. Ganga puja
- 54. Arcade room
- 55. Beat on the street
- 56. Chennai celebration
- 57. Friday night chat
- 58. Dharamsala jam
- 59. I have got big balloons
- 60. Beverly hills cop
- 61. Grime youth
- 62. Wish you were here
- 63. Feedback
- 64. Jingle bells says close that fridge
- 65. Dubai metro stations
- 66. Dilli hall
- 67. Dont flush dreams and hopes
- 68. Bagsu banjoboy
- 69. Children show
- 70. Alarm test
- 71. Dog and sticks
- 72. Goat dub
- 73. Freedom of speech
- 74. Wedding raga
- 75. Morning by the river
- 76. Oldschool robot sounds
- 77. Tridvaraz razdvatri
- 78. Trying to blow horn
- 79. Temple chat
- 80. Anthem intro
- 81. Megaphone prayer
- 82. Kong on the scene
- 83. Mango forest playground
- 84. Bajaja drumming
- 85. Icaro instruments
- 86. Churchmetal
- 87. Dead can dance puja
- 88. Car motor deep techno
- 89. Chennai train station
- 90. Beach lounge
- 91. Harmonica in cafeteria
- 92. Super beautiful
- 93. Od lidovek po techno
- 94. Meaning of life
- 95. What are you doing?