Forbidden Society - Metalcast vol. 1

Pokud toužíte nasát atmosféru Forbidden Society Recordings, otestovat první release v terénu, přesvědčit se, jak moc nabroušené budou další releasy a nebo si jednoduše chcete pořádně zaházet hlavou a vyklepat z ní všechny starosti, stahujte Metalcast s pořadovým číslem jedna. Pro booking Forbidden Society nebo Forbidden Society Recordings Label Night pište na emailovou adresu: nebo
- 1. Ministry - NWO X'D Bootleg
- 2. Forbidden Society - Pain Threshold (Forbidden Society Recordings 005)
- 3. Forbidden Society & Current Value - Birth Cycle (Forbidden Society Recordings 001)
- 4. Slayer - Reign in Blood (Peter Kurten Bootleg)
- 5. The Outside Agency & Current Value - They're Human (Crossbreed Definition Series pt.3
- Genosha 175)
- 6. Forbidden Society - Intense (Nekrolog1k Recordings)
- 7. Forbidden Society - Despised (PRSPCT Recordings)
- 8. Forbidden Society & Elements of Vengeanze - Set it Off (Forbidden Society Recordings
- 005)
- 9. Forbidden Society - Burn (Forbidden Society Recordings 004)
- 10. Dub Elements - Back to the Game
- 11. Katharsys - The Chain (Forbidden Society RMX) (Tantrum Recordings)
- 12. The Outside Agency - Hell's Basement (Independenza Records)
- 13. Noize Punishment - Riotbringer (Forbidden Society RMX) (Future Sickness Recordings)
- 14. The Outside Agency - The Flux Capacitor (Smackdown Recordings)
- 15. Forbidden Society & Current Value - Control (Forbidden Society Recordings 001)
- 16. Ak-Industry I:Gor & Neverquiet - Nekrolog1k Anthem (Forbidden Society RMX)
- (Nekrolog1k Recordings)
- 17. Of God - Obituary (Forbidden Society RMX) (HellsBassment Recordings)
- 18. Spektrum & Darkcube - F.W.C. (Bad Chemistry Recordings)
- 19. Forbidden Society - Destiny Eden (Current Value RMX) (Forbidden Society Recordings
- 003)
- 20. Philip TBC - 21st Operative (Forbidden Society RMX) (Big Riddim Recordings)